Enter Michael Golden. In the G.I. Joe Yearbook 2, Golden penciled the book's one story, about the Joes' Soviet doppelgängers, the Oktober Guard, battling Cobra forces. The story itself involves Cobra laying a trap for the Oktober Guard to steal their new laser cannon, which they're field testing on some Afghan rebels, blah blah blah. It's no more interesting than any other story in G.I. Joe, but look at that those camels' faces! Setting aside the fact that they're being slaughtered by some seriously cold-blooded Soviets, those are some beautifully rendered expressions.
And check out Golden's rendition of Destro. Some Joe fanboys might point out that Destro is supposed to be wearing a rigid steel mask that doesn't change expressions, but with a panel like this, who cares? Golden has filled Destro's face with more life in this panel than Destro had in all the other panels in which he'd been drawn (by other Joe artists) combined.
Yet even though Golden's forte is clearly people and faces, you can see from this panel that he could instill the vehicles and weaponry (which were so important to this serial 32-page advertisement for war toys) with just as much life and action as the characters.
And finally this page, on the left, may be the best drawn page in G.I. Joe's history. Look at the Televipers flying off the HISS tank in the first panel, the Baroness's hair in the second, Daina's little 'x's for eyes after the Baroness clocks her in the third, Daina's revenge in the fourth, and Firefly's bug-eyes in the last panel. Brilliant visual storytelling.
This is the book that showed me what comic book artists could be capable of creating. After reading the G.I. Joe Yearbook 2 I had much higher expectations, and finally began to develop my artistic tastes.